Naitore Gitonga Marangu, known as Naito, is a talented, creative professional whose journey started in Kenya and now spans the United States. With more than 14 years of experience in design and communication, she is passionate about creating captivating and inspiring visuals that connect with people from all walks of life. Throughout her career, Naitore has worked with various brands and organizations in different fields, including technology, hospitality, non-profits, healthcare, and education, showcasing her ability to adapt and innovate.
Since the beginning, Naitore has been a dedicated supporter of Kithoka Amani Children’s Home, helping to make a
positive difference in the lives of children. She has also volunteered with International Peace Initiatives (IPI) since March 2018. In recognition of her skills, she was invited to be an international journalist for Students Shoulder to Shoulder—a partner of IPI—at the 2019 Global Solutions Forum in Vail, Colorado. There, Naitore served as the lead photographer and was the first international journalist to work with the event’s media team, helping to create engaging digital materials that shared IPI’s mission with attendees. Her meaningful contributions have enriched her community and encouraged greater involvement and support for significant causes.
Naitore has a Bachelor’s of Journalism and Media Studies, focusing on Public Relations, from the University of Nairobi, which she completed in 2012. Additionally, she earned an Associate’s Degree in Graphic Design in 2006 from the Academy of Graphics Technologies.