IPI Volunteer Returns to Meru-Video

International Peace Initiatives

A Message from IPI-U.S. Board Chairman, Mike Beerntsen

We are excited to share a new video update about KACH and Tiriji that was recently created by Nicole Alleyne. Nicole’s connection to IPI began when she was a participant in a summer program that I led for Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder in 2017. After graduating from Yale, Nicole decided to spend a year volunteering with IPI-Kenya. Her journey is a testament to the power of the work that IPI is doing to inspire young leaders like Nicole in both the U.S. and Kenya. We hope you enjoy this brief video.

IPI-U.S. Board of Directors: Mike Beerntsen (Board Chair) Timothy Ehlinger (Immediate Past Chair), Fredah Rajab (Vice Chair), Angie Phetteplace (Treasurer, Ex-Officio), Eamon Aloyo (Director of ICSP), Michael Steinback, and Naitore Marangu

IPI-U.S. Advisory Board: Ralph Ogden and Nancy Martin Ross

IPI-U.S. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit  that supports IPI-Kenya, which manages all Kenyan operations. IPI envisions a world where violence, poverty and disease no longer exist and every individual lives in dignity and with integrity.